Strike Rates
Strike Rate- To measure your strike rate, count how many times your right foot strikes the ground timed over one minute of running, then double it
Elite runners aim and train for a strike rate of 180-200 strikes per minute, to maintain efficient running form. When you maintain this rate you increase running efficiency,decrease ground contact time and are more likely to strike the ground mid foot.When you decrease your strike rate you are more likely to increase your ground contact and impact more on the heel of your foot.
When you strike the ground mid foot you keep the forward momentum going and use the glutes, hamstrings and calves to maintain momentum. When you strike with your heel you tend to rely on your hip flexors more, this can cause delayed onset of muscle fatigue, mainly in your quads.
It can be hard to change your strike rate, and concentration is needed. Also your foot strike should remain consistent regardless of the terrain, it should be the same count on the flat, uphill or down hill. You can try testing yourself as you run. test it at the start of a run for a minute, maybe on a hill, and near the end of your run, to see how consistent it is.If it's too hard to count the minute, time it for 15 seconds and multiply by four.
To improve a slow strike rate, trying running upstairs, one at a time, you have to take short, sharp steps. Try keeping your body in line, don't let your front leg stride out to far from your centre of gravity, take shorter, faster steps.