Marie Bean

  • Fitness Consultant

  • Author- Two Books- Lazy Runner+ Lazy Loser

  • Motivational Speaker

  • Running Coach

  • Tour Guide

  • Travel Writer

  • Health Advisor

  • Professional Athlete Trainer

  • Successful Business Woman


Marie has spent the last 10 years travelling the world- operating running tours; hosting fitness and health presentations and workshops; promoting her two successful publications- Lazy Runner and Lazy Loser; speaking at small and large corporate and professional events; coaching athletes- and still managing to run marathons on 6 continents- one the go the biggie- Antarctica.
Marie had run ultra marathons and for 'fun' she has just run consecutive marathons in Liverpool (UK), one on New Year's Eve 2014 and one on New Years Day 2015! She has lots of funny tales of her crazy running travels.

Marie can speak on a variety of subjects

  • Health- How to improve it the 'Lazy' way

  • Running for Everyone

  • Walking for real Fitness benefits

  • Food and Eating- How Never Dieting Again

  • Fitness- For Life

  • Living- A Long Healthy Fun Life

  • All Food is Good- Fantastic in Fact!

Marie can also inspire and motivate with her personal stories

  • Running Marathons on 6 Continents- So Many Funny Stories to Tell

  • Fifty-Fit- Healthy- Happy- Injury Free

  • Work Life Balance- Travelling-Eating-Drinking- Writing- Working- Running-Laughing

  • 50 Down and Looking Forward to the Next 50!

    Marie has exceptional Speaking skills- she can inspire, amuse and entertain all walks of life, all age groups, both males and females with her enthusiasm on subjects of health, fitness, food and life.

The Lazy Philosophy
Marie’s mother says she was born ‘Lazy’! However, Marie uses her laziness in a positive way- if that makes sense! She knows the rules and lifelong benefits of staying fit and healthy and in a recommended weight range- but she figures you can do that the hard, complicated way, or the easy ‘Lazy’ way like she has done all her adult life.

Marie has been a runner for over 35 years. In that time she has run lots of marathons and even ultra-marathons- doesn’t sound lazy- but she runs for fun and fitness- pain, exhaustion and injury does not fit her fun philosophy. She has formulated a running regime that has seen her run injury free for quarter of a century- and this is something she loves to impart to all runners- now there are thousands of Lazy Runners, just like Marie.

But it’s not just running- Marie loves food and the odd tipple- she’s not alone there of course- but how does she eat and drink what she wants and still stay a healthy weight- once again- it’s her simple, no fuss way of balancing her food/drink/fitness- that allows her to enjoy it all.

Marie has worked with hundreds of people who have struggled for years with their health, weight and fitness issues- and she is saddened by the crazy diets and failures they tell her of- So Marie is on a mission to put food/drink/exercise- back in its place- as a normal part of everyday life- and get on with the real reason for living- having a fun, carefree, happy, long existence.

The Books

Lazy Runner
ISBN 9780987386502

First Published in 2013
Author- Marie Bean
Foreword- Robert de Castella

Marie Bean is the original Lazy Runner; she has been a runner for 25 years and has coached runners for the past seven years. As a running coach she has answered countless questions from runners across Australia and the world ... she threw her hands in the air and thought that’s it ... ’I need to write a book on how to run the Lazy Runner way’.
Lazy Runner Book

Lazy Loser
ISBN 9780987386526

First Published 2013
Author – Marie Bean

Australian weight-loss myth buster Marie Bean has released ‘Lazy Loser', a revolutionary book that encourages readers to slim down by avoiding dieting and to get fit the “lazy way”.
Packed with humour and insider tips based on years of experience, the entertaining book explodes the many assumptions shrouding the food, dieting, fitness and weight loss world.

Lazy Loser challenges modern day health claims by asking and answering the big questions- “How fat are we really?’, ‘Do we have to exercise?’’ and “Is counting calories and reading food labels necessary?
Lazy Loser Book

A  ‘Lazy’ History

1962-Born- Victoria, Australia (Grew up in the spectacular Great Ocean Road Region)

1980-2000-First Career- Nurse (over 20 years)

2000-Retrained in her forties in the fitness and health fields

Worked in AFL (Australian Rules Football League) clubs as a trainer
Worked in gyms, fitness centres, wellness clinics and day spas

2007-Started first Lazy Runner running club in Noosa Heads, QLD 8 years ago- now there are 10 Lazy Runner clubs across Australia

2009- Started Lazy Runner Tours-  has escorted hundreds of runners to running events across Australia and the world- including USA (Las Vegas Marathon), Asia (Penang Half Marathon/Bangkok Marathon), England (Shakespeare Marathon/Hadrians Wall Ultra Run), South America (Rio Marathon), Solomon Islands (Honiara’s first ever Half marathon) New Zealand (Auckland Marathon)

2013- January-Published First Book- Lazy Runner- Has sold thousands of copies in hard copy worldwide, as well as ebook- foreword by Robert de Castella- Australia’s greatest long distance runner

2013- Tour Australia and the UK doing public speaking events and running and fitness workshops-Penned and published second book- Lazy Loser- Toured Australia again

During 1013 Marie spoke at over 100 events

2014- based in Brisbane, Queensland- coaching runners at Brisbane Lazy Runner; corporate fitness programs; specialist running coaching in gyms, public and motivational speaking                 

Presentations, Workshops and Fitness Classes

Workshops and sessions can be presented indoors or out- can go from 45mins to an hour- or longer if required- no equipment needed

Lazy Runner Beginners Workshop
This workshop is suitable for all- Never taken a running step in your life?- or Used to run but having trouble getting back into it?- Learn how to run the Lazy Way.

Lazy Runner Run Right Session
Running is not too technical but it’s good to know the correct running posture and technique that will help you run right for life.

Lazy Walking
Walking is a great way to stay fit and easy to do anywhere anytime, however, if you are walking to improve your fitness or lose weight, there are simple ways to walk the ‘Lazy’ way

Lazy Gym
You don’t need to hit the gym and lift heavy weights to get fit, strong and toned- get strong and fit by creating your own Lazy Gym- no fees or sign ups or mirrors-all you need to do is walk out the front door and step into your own Lazy Gym.

Lazy Loser Workshop
Find out what sort of ‘Loser’ you are and get some easy tips on how to deal with your little food and drink temptations.

Lazy Good Food
All food is good- and all is there to be eaten. Find out why good food turns bad! And no- it’s not the foods fault.  Easy ways to eat all the food you love. Lazy Loser says you can have your cake and it too!

Lazy Mental Fitness
Often the issues with health, weight and fitness don’t start with the food we eat or the way we move- its starts in our heads! Find out ways to deal with the mental blocks that prevent you from being as well and healthy as you would like to be.

Reviews and Testimonials

"Energetic, Thorough & Delightful!"  
It was a RUNNER'S DELIGHT to welcome Marie Bean as our lead warm up sponsor for the 2015 iCureMelanoma 5k in Fullerton, CA.  With 2000 participants on hand, Marie's comprehensive warm up and instruction allowed us to celebrate an "injury free" event.  Her wisdom, practical skills and books were thoroughly enjoyed by all!  She has an open invitation to join any iCureMelanoma 5k event in the future.  She was truly appreciated & embraced by all!
Kelly Clauss;Director of Events; iCureMelanoma 5k & iCureMelanoma Golf Classic

Lazy Runner, Lazy Loser great author talk!!
The Mammoth Lakes Library hosted Marie for a discussion of her books and everyone present thoroughly enjoyed her honest, enthusiastic talk!
I would highly recommend Marie for any speaking engagement small or large.
Thanks for the inspiring and realistic approach to running!!
Anastasia Danielson
Mono County Library Director (Mammoth Lakes, California)

Hi Marie, I just wanted to say thank you for visiting our libraries (Lockyer Valley) last Friday and providing our customers with such an interesting talk.  I know everyone thoroughly enjoyed your relaxed friendly way of approaching the facts of dieting and we could all see our own little faults but not feel bad about it.   Dieting can be a touchy subject to many but your little anecdotes and laughing at your own lack of willpower at times made it fun for all attending. The conversations on Facebook from some of the attendees shows that your way of explaining our habits was understood and thought provoking.

Once again thanks

Sue- Library Branch Co- Ordinator

Thanks Marie for your presentation last night at Joondalup Library.

It was a session full of information, humour and lots of common sense. 

It was great to meet you, and I’m looking forward to reading your books

All the best for future talks and selling of your books.

Margaret, Joondalup Library, Perth

Here are the comments made on the evaluation forms after the session:

  • Marie had some real gems to tell us & was very entertaining

  • Her tips were really interesting & a very entertaining speaker

  • The best talk yet! So good, so funny

  • Very interesting & relevant topic

  • Very entertaining as well as informative, I enjoyed listening to Marie

  • I loved Marie's discussion, it made me think there is hope to lose weight after all, a very interesting and engaging talk

  • A fun presentation and informative

  • Great fun, lively, common sense, hopeful

  • I could have listened to her all night, very amusing but knowledgeable also

  • Marie was a pleasure to listen to

  • Well done and motivating

  • Very informative & interesting

  • Really entertaining & informative, loved it!

  • Very honest, funny, an excellent talk & very relevant

  • Most enjoyable

  • Thought Marie was a very interesting & personable speaker.

"I found Marie to be a pleasure to work with, and an excellent presenter. She brought a lot of energy and personality to her talk. She was a fountain of wisdom about running specifically and fitness in general, and was able to offer very useful advice to our participants. If and when she ventures back to California, I would be happy to work with her again."
Colin, Library Worker from Santa Maria, California

"Hi Marie! It was great to meet you at the iCureMelanoma 5K this past weekend. I learned SOOO much from you in just 30 minutes. Because of your tips, the following day, at the OC Half, I ran my best race ever!! THANK YOU!! You are so funny & knowledgeable. I loved chatting with you. If you lived in California, we would totally be BFF's!! (aren't you glad you live in Australia?! HaHa) I hope you had a good run in OC on Sunday." 
Becky, Orange County, California

The Friends of the Hunting Beach Library want to thank you Marie for being our speaker at the library yesterday. Everyone enjoyed your talk, had lots of laughs and got lots of helpful information from it and hopefully everyone will follow your advice.I wish you continued success with your tour and your books.
Dorothy, President of Friends of Huntingdon Beach Library, California

On Tuesday evening, April 28, 2015, two days after the Big Sur International Marathon, Monterey Public Library customers had the good fortune to hear Marie Bean, an Australian from Down Under, a very insightful and entertaining speaker, talk about her latest book Lazy Loser.  She is also the author of Lazy Runner as well.   For example, her use of a piece of 8 ½ x 11 paper to illustrate the kind of portion one should eat was a marvelous visual. Folding the paper in half, she illustrated this was still too much to eat. Next, she folded it into quarters. a good reminder that anything larger than a quarter of the paper falls within the realm of overeating. This is premium advice, for instance, for people staving off a binge eating disorder attack.  During her talk, using common sense tips, she dismantled major common myths about eating and dieting.  We hope to see her back in California and on the Monterey Peninsula sometime in the future.

Victor Henry, Reference Librarian, Monterey Public Library, Monterey, California

It was a privilege to meet you in Saturday at the Running Workshop – you have revolutionised the way I run – I read the posture chapter of Lazy Runner as soon as I got home and have run 10km in the last two days! Unheard of for me – but I am thoroughly enjoying running again – running with purpose and certainty!
Nikki- Member of Jack Jones Fitness, Brisbane

It was well worth the trip to Sydney to hear Marie speak on running for fitness and sensible eating as opposed to dieting. My joy for running was rekindled and my love of food was affirmed. No need to diet, just eat sensibly. Marie is passionate about her subjects, and seduces the listeners into her passions.
Ken Silvester, Sydney

A big thank you Marie for your visit to the Kingaroy Library yesterday morning to talk about your 'Lazy' books. Everyone loved your talk as it contained a wealth of information about how to improve our health.
A great time was had by all with a lot of giggles and excellent health tips, thanks again Marie!
Danielle, Kingaroy Library, QLD

Marie is a really interesting speaker; she has an enthusiastic and friendly manner and had lots of useful advice. She spoke at nine of our libraries with all of her talks being booked out in advance. Marie’s presentations were a huge success for our library communities.
Tina-Moreton Bay Libraries, QLD

We had a great night on Tuesday, so thank you very much for the visit. With close to 100 people attending it was one of the largest talks we have catered for.
Everyone provided positive feedback & I will collate the comments and forward them on to you.
Thanks again for a fun, yet informative presentation.
Judy- Coffs Harbour Library, NSW

I was expecting to be judged and feel guilty, but it was a lot of fun and very interesting, I have never realised how funny the weight loss and health subject could be, I am still laughing!
Sue- Guest at Lazy Loser Workshop- Brisbane

Thank you again for a great session yesterday. The feedback we are receiving has been really positive and hopefully everyone is taking your tips on board!
Katherine- Ballarat Library, Victoria

Now that your presentations have come to an end, we would like to thank you for your generous donation of time and energy.  It is people like you that make a real difference to our community. We have had very positive reviews on your nine Sunshine Coast library talks and we would love to have you on board again for 2014.
Rhiannon – Sunshine Coast Libraries, QLD

It was lovely to have you here; the positive comments and feedback are still filtering in.   They found your ‘no-fuss’ approach very refreshing and enjoyed the talk immensely.
Rosemary – Muswellbrook Library, NSW

We wish you all the best with your book tour and would like to say a huge thank you for the workshop last Saturday, all of our clients loved it and we have had some great feedback!
We would love to have you back upon your return to Queensland so please touch base in the new year and we can look at scheduling another workshop.
Once again thank you so much for your energy and enthusiasm!
Abi- Pure Health Clubs- Brisbane